PlayStation first 2024 State of Play - what do you think?

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  • Raine's Avatar
    Level 22
    Hi everyone,

    We've had our first state of play from PlayStation for 2024 and there's a few hits, and a few misses. There were 17 games discussed in the showing, here they are with my personal thoughts:

    Never played the first one and I personally find Hideo Kojima to be convoluted and overhyped.

    See above

    Reallllllly looking forward to this, it has strong Ghost of Tsushima vibes which was absolutely phenomenal.

    Didn't have this on my list of unnecessary remakes but here it is - the original still looks very sharp but here we are. Will play again.

    Ain't my cup of tea.

    My most eagerly anticipated game of 2024 - I absolutely adored the original and Dark Arisen. Thrilled to see it get a sequel and they've really expanded the universe.

    Sonic Generations was solid - I don't have a need to play it again.

    Apparently stealth released and available to download right now - Think I'll try it this weekend!

    Contrary to many opinions, I think Bloober team will do a great job with this remake. Still think it's weird to start with the second one but it is definitely the best in the series imo.

    I'll try it at a discount

    Looks pretty nice!

    I'm so over pixelart games.

    I can't get into anime style games - the only decent ones I've played were the Tales of Series.

    Metro is a great franchise but I can't spring for a VR headset.


    Wow this one reallllly polarises people - it is fundamentally Splatoon with people rather than Squidies. Least launches for free on PS+.

    This looks super nice - if only I had anyone to play multiplayer with eh?

    Which are you most anticipated games from State of Play January 2024?

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  • Sarkhan's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Raine I think we are on the same page, I think the most interesting for me in this list is Rise of the Ronin.

    I have not played Ghost of Tsushima, but many of my friends did and they liked it a lot, I assume you did too. What did you enjoy the most about it?

    I am currently keen on everything that is Japan related, so it is an easy win for me.