Congratulations to all the ladies in Esports (and sports!)

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello Legion Gamers!

    Today is Girls and Women in Sports Day! And as sports these days include E-Sports as well, congratulations to all the ladies in our community who play games either leisurely or competitively!

    Special congratulations to all our friends in @Girls Legion and @The1cake in particular!

    And double congratulations to @Saka: you are doing both actual sports as kendo and e-sports as gaming, so you get to celebrate twice! 😉

    Wishing you all every success in any sports that you do, be it actual or digital!
  • 12 Replies

  • Saka's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I am going to compete during this weekend. Hopefully it won't go too terribly, considering I managed to get bronchitis. Thankfully the symptoms are rather mild now, but I still have difficulties breathing.

    In terms of e-sports, I have been rather casual-ish for now. I used to be a cutting edge raider in World of Warcraft, but retired in 2021 after a surgery that went wrong. Since then I only do heroic difficulty and some mythic+. I would push the keys semi-high, but lately my ISP managed to murder the internet and it hasn't been fixed yet. Anything online is pretty much unplayable. Woe is me.

    My guild is thinking of rebuilding the mythic raiding team, but for now the interested people would amount to about half of a team, thus heavy recruitment would be needed. We shall see.
    Unamused Snarktooth. Advocate for hearing loss & accessibility. Person, friend and a terrible/terrific* artist.
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  • Girls Legion's Avatar
    Level 5
    @DoctorEldritch <3<3<3

    In the spirit of sports and to facilitate more community, we're currently in the process of making our very own Girls' Legion LoL-team to compete on the ladder... We promise to share more on the project as it develops :D

    Shoutout to all the competing women out there😎
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Saka Best of luck in your tournament. Does Kendo have a theatre equivalent of "break a leg?" I do not think you can use that one in a kendo setting, but maybe there is some kendo slang for situations like this?

    I remember you mentioned your predicament before. Do you think it is possible to someday return to raiding, or maybe do what Lightning did in Cars 3 and become a coach sharing tricks with a new generation of raiders?

    Does your guild have any recruitment strategy in mind? I have no idea how these things usually work.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Girls Legion Best of luck with Girls' Legion LoL-team, we'll be waiting for your updates!
  • Saka's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I don't think there's any equivalent of "break a leg" for kendo. Someone once said to a friend of mine "break the sticks!", to which she responded that she hopes not, the sticks are expensive.

    The sticks have indeed gotten quite expensive. I remember when 50 euros would get me a very good one, and now it's only enough for a very basic one. The basic ones are not very nice, as in a 10 pack of them each will have a different weight and/or balance. Plus other possible quality issues that may affect the usage or durability.

    Regarding the guild, for now we just revived our Discord bot and updated recruitment status on Wowprogress. Right now we don't have anyone with enough time to reach out to potential recruits, and there's still time left before the next patch. In the past I would be the one looking up the profiles of people posting in the LFG section and contacting them. I don't miss that, I am not the right kind of personality for that stuff and that caused me anxiety.
    Unamused Snarktooth. Advocate for hearing loss & accessibility. Person, friend and a terrible/terrific* artist.
    *delete as appropriate
  • Girls Legion's Avatar
    Level 5
    @Saka We would love to share your guild with our community and see if we can help facilitate some more activity, if you are looking for new members...

    Most of our members are Danish tho, so guess we will have the most luck with recruiting danes, if any...

    If you share your details (discordlink etc.), I'll make sure to pass it along:)
  • Saka's Avatar
    Level 52
    @Girls Legion Ooh, that'd be great! Just a disclaimer, unfortunately the right now me and one more lass are the only female members, we used to have more, but we lost a lot of people when we stepped down from mythic raiding.

    The guild actually used to be full of Danes, as Ravencrest where we started was very heavily populated by Danes and Swedes. So we have no problem with Danes. A lot of the founding members were Danish, alas they no longer play. So the only potential threat is some friendly neighbour banter from Swedes and Norwegians.

    Our recruitment post can be found here. I just saw that maybe I should step up and write something more attractive, haha.
    Unamused Snarktooth. Advocate for hearing loss & accessibility. Person, friend and a terrible/terrific* artist.
    *delete as appropriate
  • ChristianRasmussen's Avatar
    Level 16

    Just queries, when is the boys and men in Sports Day ? (not assuming it is the rest of the year).
  • Girls Legion's Avatar
    Level 5
    @Saka Good stuff:D

    I'll swing it past our community and hope something turns up:)