Ready, Set, Go! Join the Legion Community 3-year Anniversary (and win great prizes)!

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello Legion Gamers!

    A joyous occasion is approaching: it's been almost three years since the Nordic Legion Community went live! How time flies...

    An, of course, three-year anniversary merits a celebration with three weeks of fun! And not just that, but also the opportunity to win not one but two Legion GOs! The first one can be won over the next few weeks, during which we will be solving puzzles, playing games and looking for clues, and the person to get the most points over the next three weeks will be the lucky winner of a Lenovo Legion Go!

    So, here is the plan:

    Week one: Easter Egg hunt!
    Starting tomorrow, March 12th, there will be 20 easter eggs hiding across all communities. All you have to do is find the Easter eggs and add them to the week 1 competition thread in your community (please bear in mind that you can participate in only one community, your own)! The first person to find the Easter egg and post the link to the thread where it was found, will be rewarded with 1 point. The eggs will be hidden only from Tuesday to Friday this week, so you have to be fast in finding and posting them on your language’s competition threads! The maximum number of points a member can be awarded for this challenge is 20 points (but several members can be awarded up to 20 points if they participate in different communities)!

    Week two: Crossword Puzzle!
    This one is a little bit trickier, you will need to solve a crossword puzzle! There will be 20 words in the crossword puzzle, each one of them related to video games discussed in the community in the past. Each word you solve will get you 1 point out of a possible maximum of 20 points.

    Week three: Treasure Hunt!
    We will be doing a more traditional treasure hunt! There will be ten different topics. Your task will be to find a thread related to each of them and share it. Each thread found is worth 2 points, for a total of 20 points.

    But that is not all! The next event, and a chance to win the second Legion GO will be the 3-year Anniversary #Game Together! It will take place on March 22nd from 8 pm to 9 pm (Denmark time)! To compete for a chance to win Legion GO, you will need to come to that #Game Together event. We'll be playing Headbangers for 30 minutes.

    UPDATE: By popular demand, the game we will play will be Valorant and the GameTogether will take place on the 28th of March from 8 pm to 9 pm (Denmark time)! To compete for a chance to win Legion GO, you will need to come to that GameTogether event!

    And that is also when there will be a community quiz (like the one we had last year for all you veterans out there!), and each CM will have a surprise to give to ONE lucky participant. Each participant of the game night also has a chance to win a Legion GO, based on how many points they scored on the quiz and in the game (stay tuned for details)!

    We wish everyone a lot of fun on the birthday of the Legion Gaming community! 🎉
    Last edited by DoctorEldritch; 22-03-24 at 14:31.
  • 22 Replies

  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    We ran into some technical difficulties, and the Easter Egg Hunt event will not begin today but is postponed to a later date. All the information will be shared as soon as possible, so stay tuned!

  • ChristianRasmussen's Avatar
    Level 16

    20 easter eggs hiding across all communities.
    so we have to be here on both UK ones, both US ones, and the other gaming regions ?

    I am on both EU and Nordic one as Denmark is in both.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @ChristianRasmussen No, not US and UK, only the ones you can access when you press the globe image on the top right corner. And all the links will be included when the event starts to make sure you do not look for them in the wrong place.
  • ChristianRasmussen's Avatar
    Level 16

    What an interest concept, finding stuff on pages we can not read... it all looks Finish to me.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @ChristianRasmussen Google Translate to the rescue! But you do not need to be able to read the page in order to find an image hidden there.
  • ChristianRasmussen's Avatar
    Level 16

    I know. Have tried it on the UK/EU site where they where hidden in articles, with some small clue.
  • ChristianRasmussen's Avatar
    Level 16

    Are you sure, not finding anything and where to post them when and if I do ?
  • ChristianRasmussen's Avatar
    Level 16

    In the " Ready, Set, Go! Join the Legion Community 3-year Anniversary (and win great prizes)! " picture.