Join The Crystal Ball Gaming Competition! (The competition is over!)

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  • FrenchFry's Avatar
    Level 1
    @DoctorEldritch league of legends players with actual skills, THATS the future hahahahaaha. reading the previous predictions i really have nothing to add, they have pretty much covered everything AND MORE but if i were to still predict i would say a gaming station that moves and vibrates altogether and gives of special effects, THAT would be nice
  • greengal's Avatar
    Level 2
    In the future, gaming could revolutionize how we perceive and interact with the world around us. With advancements in sensory immersion, games may evolve to become transformative experiences, enhancing empathy, fostering environmental awareness, and promoting social change. Gamification could infiltrate various aspects of society, from healthcare to sustainability, leading to a more gamified and interconnected world.
  • Judithrex's Avatar
    Level 1
    @DoctorEldritch Something i believe nobody has talked about but in the future, gaming may actually just take on a minimalist approach, focusing on simplicity and mindfulness. Games could prioritize serene environments, tranquil gameplay mechanics, and meditative experiences, offering us a respite from the complexities of modern life. This shift could inspire a movement towards digital wellness and encourage players to find peace and balance through gaming.
  • XxtinctioN's Avatar
    Level 1
    Coming myself from an ethnic group that is at risk of disappearing in the future, I really hope to see gaming becoming a means of cultural preservation and exploration for my people. VR might enable players to immerse themselves in historically accurate recreations of ancient civilizations, allowing for interactive learning experiences and the preservation of cultural heritage. Games could serve as virtual time machines, offering glimpses into the past and fostering a deeper understanding of human history as it was.
  • sparkplugx's Avatar
    Level 1
    gaming will become more fun in the future and one can be playing with ai robots that are similar to ones friends if they are not online so he can train and get better while they are offline
  • almat's Avatar
    Level 1
    @DoctorEldritch if the future had AI tutors that would analyze our gameplay and craft personalized training regimes, esports will become so much more advanced and lead to high skill gameplay in all the games
  • silverBULLETS's Avatar
    Level 2
    @DoctorEldritch This is more of a "going back in time prediction" but to have retro classics being playable through holographic projections, bringing together old generations with new ones in the living room having us explain the lore and them enjoying the experience as they guide us through the new hardware and technology of the future
  • skydsgaard's Avatar
    Level 7
    AI.. its here to stay.. and as any other technology advancement, there will be ups and downs depending largely on the moral and integrety of the people using this amazing tool. How this will be implemented and become mainstream is hard to say, but rest assured, we will see many weird experiments both in gaming and other areas where computating power can be harnessed. Personally i dont really have much against it as a whole, but on the other hand i can see how bad it can be for us gamers, because as we know, money makes the world go round and therefore lot of companies will use AI to save on expenses and that could lead to less focus on quality and more on quantity and just pumping out the same copy paste games over and over.. (call of duty and alot of ubisoft games already does this too much imo).
    Oh.. this turned out to be somewhat of a doomsday post, my bad. YAY AI show us what you can do!!! ;)
  • sk8rron's Avatar
    Level 1
    Forget controllers! in the future we will use brainwaves to navigate sprawling virtual worlds. Imagine soaring through alien landscapes with a mere thought, or solving puzzles by focusing your mental energy. Gaming will become an extension of ourselves, an exhilarating mind-body experience. o,o
  • gigiblasters's Avatar
    Level 1
    Games can become immersive therapy tools. One could conquer anxieties by battling dragons, or heal emotional wounds by tending a digital garden. Games can become a personalized path to inner peace, a fun and effective way to manage stress and emotions ;D