Check out Beetlejuice 2 trailer

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot Rotten tomatoes can be interesting too, for comparison reasons. They have that interesting critic vs viewers display and allows you to compare critics score vs audience score. When they align, you can see that critics and viewers are of the same opinion in this case. And sometimes they are so different that it is interesting or outright suspicious. Like how Acoyte has 80% critics approval and 16% viewers approval...
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I forgot all about Rotten Tomatoes. Their ratings make more sense.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot I'd say they paint a fuller picture when it's about critics vs. popular opinion comparison, and you need to be increasingly aware of that these days, you know, with the amount companies spend on marketing these days.

    In games too, I mean, just recently Ubisoft confirmed that Star Wars Outlaws has the highest marketing budget in the history of the company, despite...varied response they had about their gameplay demo. Soon promoting games may start costing more than making games. Remember the days when all you had to do for people to buy your game was to make a good game? Times have changed...

    But IMDb usually has more of a response pool, so may be more accurate from a purely statistical viewpoint.