News for Fallout 2 fans!

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello Legion Gamers!

    Long ago before Bethesda got its hands on the series, there were 2 isometric tactical Fallout games, as most gamer veterans will know. Then Bethesda got the game and made Fallout 3 which was a first/third-person game and allowed everyone to immerse in a post-apocalyptic America world. But many fans of the games from the pre-Bethesda era, myself included, think that the tone and vibe of the game changed to a more whimsical and lighthearted, and it is becoming more evident as new games come out.

    So some fans began to wonder what those first games could look and play like if they were made using modern engine. So much so that over 100 of them banded together and created Project Arroyo, a fan-made remake of Fallout 2 on the Fallout 4 engine. Check it out:

    They are planning to put it on Steam soon so that people can try it out, so if you ever wondered how Fallout 2 would feel with a modern facelift, the chance to do so may come soon! Does it look good to you?
  • 6 Replies

  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch It does look good. Fallout 2 was one of my favourites.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot There's more! In addition to Fallout London which should be coming out soon, last week some modder PJ Hexer and Co put out on Nexus a mod called Fallout Yesterday - Van Buren which allows you to play cancelled Van Buren on the Fallout 2 engine.

    It's 0.6 version so at this time it only allows you to complete the main story with a specific character development, so it is still far from the release condition, but the base is there, and mod was put in open source so anyone can join in and help now. And hopefully, they will, Falloiuut always had a good fanbase versed in mod-making. So if all goes well, something will grow out of it.
  • Hammad23's Avatar
    Level 50
    This remake is really cool🔥🔥
    I want to try it

    How can i get it ?
    Say Good Night
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Hammad23 It is cool, but it has not been released yet, this is more of a teaser from the people who make it, a "progress report" of sorts. They promised to let everyone know once it's released, so for now we wait and stay tuned.
  • Hammad23's Avatar
    Level 50
    @Hammad23 It is cool, but it has not been released yet, this is more of a teaser from the people who make it, a "progress report" of sorts. They promised to let everyone know once it's released, so for now we wait and stay tuned.

    Do you expect it to be completed in the coming months

    or will it be released within the next year?
    Say Good Night
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Hammad23 It is really hard to tell with mods. Take Fallout London that you're excited about: it was all up and ready to be released months ago, but then Bethesda released their next-gen patch, and the mod devs had to push it back because it did not work with that patch anymore. And they were trying to make it work for a while but recently decided to downgrade the game instead.

    What I mean is that sometimes these things happen that delay the release of mods. A new patch or one of the lead modders drops out (either becomes bored or gets sick or has a wedding and a honeymoon, what have you). For now, the best thing we can do is keep an eye on it. I'll be sure to let you know if I hear anything.