Hello Legion Gamers!

The 22nd of June was Positive Media Day! We've had our share of bad news recently, with all the cancellations and layoffs and studios closing down, so it was good to think of something more positive to share. With that in mind, here are a couple of positive news with a cyberpunk flair:

While the Life By You game got cancelled, another life simulator is picking up the mantel, and with a cyberpunk twist to boot: Nivalis got a release window and a trailer:

It was originally planned for release this year, but developers said that as they were working on it, it got bigger and more ambitious. It is a life sin in a pixel-art cyberpunk city and will take place in the same game universe as 2020 Cloudpunk. Anyone played that?

And there is more: if your favourite part in life simulators is designing and decorating a house rather than fishing or going out or whatever else the game has to offer, then you may be happy to know that a new game called Dystopika came out just last week:

It is a game by a single developer (like Stardew Valley!) and allows you to design and build you own cyberpunk megapolis. The game focus is atmosphere and creativity rather than strategy and functionality, so it is a meditative cyberpunk sandbox. Many gamers, as it turned out, appreciate this approach with dark cosy gameplay with no fear of losing, the game has very positive reviews. And, as the trailer says, it costs less than a bowl of ramen! 🍜