Positive Media Day: Batman!

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  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch That's why it's sometimes not a good move to change actors with one another when they are still alive especially if there are sequels.

    The raspiness was overwhelming. It sounded like he had a bad case of laryngitis. 😂

    I sound like Batman today after fighting with customs. I'm waiting for a parcel from Lenovo to be delivered. It's another headset I've won on the Legion Fridays. According to customs, I need to pay VAT, and customs fees including the product price. The amount totals to $184.

    I almost fell off my chair and told them they could forget it and they would not get a cent out of me.

    I knew as per usual because it happened before, someone was up to shenanigans at customs and this person did not know I knew people who worked for the South African Revenue Services. I informed them about it and they followed up and guess what? It's all a lie. I sent my phone recording to Customs Intelligence Services. Now they are investigating the matter.

    Within an hour all the fees were waived and now the parcel is on its way to me.

    It was one of those days when I had to deal with a ransom claim and wished I was Batman and go deal with the issue in person.

    There will always be some sort of swindling going on there and I feel so sorry for people who fall victim to those officials.

    At least I was victorious!!

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot Good for you to have sorted that out and to your benefit, too. Hope you will now get to enjoy the headset. Who knows, maybe you'll hear Batman better with that one 😉
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I got a notification the headphones will arrive today. Yeah, I do not take any nonsense these days and will fight them with all I have especially if I know they are up to something.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Good luck, hope you like them!

    Yeah, I do not take any nonsense these days
    I imagine you like this now:

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot Well, you were right:

    Your powers of divination and/or application of common sense have triumphed once again 😉

    Have you watched it for sh@ts and giggles like you wanted yet?