Documentary: The trial of evil! (Where to see the future of France in a few years ...)

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  • ramax's Avatar
    Hello !

    I'm watching this documentary about the rise of Nazism in Germany. The trailer caught my eye, especially the re-coloring of the period reports.

    As a child, I always wondered how Germany could have allowed itself to go so far in the direction of the extreme right and fascism. This report explains it all.

    But in fact, the further I get into this documentary, the more I realize that the French far right is redoing the Nazi strategy of political and social conquest, albeit in a more modern form. It's blatant and frightening to see that we're going to make the same mistakes again.

    When the world goes wrong, people turn to the extremes

    All the Nazi strategy and ideals are in place in France (and other countries):

    - Violent militias ( Le GUD, bastion social, Division Aryenne Française, Comité du 9-Mai, génération identitaire, ... )
    - pervasive lies and manipulation: A lie repeated h24 quickly becomes a "truth".
    - Destruction of opponents' image (at the moment it's blatant and violent)
    - repeating that others are the fascists, the racists, the anti-Semites...
    - Playing with/using emotion rather than reason in communication
    - Trivializing racism, homophobia and "legitimate" violence
    - Fascist ideals: nationalist, conservative, patriarchal, discriminating against foreigners, non-whites, women, gays, lesbians, ...
    - Alliance with right-wing parties
    - Creating chaos, criticizing situations, in order to be "saviors".

    Etc etc ...

    In short, when you watch the documentary and see that everything fits, you're forced to imagine the worst for the future... To see in our past, our future in much worse. A kind of Cyberpunk (a world controlled by mega-corporations) and fascist...

    What do you think, those of you who see the news from France on your local media?
  • 5 Replies

  • MustafaM7moud's Avatar
    Level 47
    I'm not a good follower of the news, but from teeny-tiny little experience all I know is history can be easily manipulated, and sadly not written by those who have the facts but by who have the greater power 🥲🥲
    One step closer to greater understanding!
  • M2lobaz's Avatar
    Level 52
    "History is written by the victor"

    I'm a fan of Historical drama, I might watch it soon
    SHOCK and AWE
  • MustafaM7moud's Avatar
    Level 47
    "History is written by the victor"
    what I said meant nowadays there's no certain victor, so it's really written by the The stronger party 😉
    One step closer to greater understanding!
  • Hammad23's Avatar
    Level 50
    I was planning to hear about Nazism in Germany
    Say Good Night
  • ramax's Avatar
    @Hammad23 Today, he's in France, Hungary and almost in Italy.