Como decía Stevie, "la superstición no el camino"...
Pero sin duda es una parte importante de la cultura popular, o al menos, lo ha sido durante muchos años.Con orígenes de hasta miles de año (los gatos negros ya eran emisarios de la mala suerte en Egipto, hace unos 3000 años!).
Al margen de las superticiones más conocidas en la cultura occidental, como evitar espejos rotos, no pasar por debajo de una escalera de mano o derramar la sal, aquí os dejo una recopilación de supersticiones en otras culturas que he encontrado por ahí...
Empezamos por ese bello y extraño país, Japón:
Clavar los palillos verticalmente en la comida está terminantemente prohibido, pues se considera un imán para la mala suerte. ¿La razón? Los palillos en vertical se asemajan al número 4 (que es el número de la mala suerte en la mayor parte de Asia) y también a los palillos de incienso que se usan en los funerales.
Una tradición filipina llamada "pagpag" dice que nunca se vuelva directamente a casa después de un velatorio...De ser así un espíritu maligno podría entrar en la casa....👻
Los asistentes hacen primero una parada en un restaurante o una tienda, por si acaso.
En Turquía, un picor en la mano derecha significa que ganarás dinero, pero un picor en la izquierda significa que perderás dinero. Curiosamente, mi madre dice algo parecido, pero al contrario: Si es la derecha, es que vas a dar dinero, y si es la izquierda, es porque vas a recibir 🤷♂️
Si estás en Islandia, mantén la labor de punto dentro de casa. Existe la superstición local de que hacer punto en la puerta de casa mantendrá las temperaturas gélidas.
Regalar flores amarillas en Rusia significa que estás acusando a la persona de infidelidad o que la condenarás a que alguien le sea infiel.
En Ruanda, algunas mujeres no comen carne de cabra porque temen que les salga pelo en la cara (una versión muy especifíca del "lo que se come se cría)
Y por último, en Corea del Sur, no se duerme con los ventiladores encendidos en habitaciones cerradas, porque consideran que es un augurio de muerte (en el sur de Europa, la muerte es no tener ventiladores en verano 😅😂)
Y vostr@s, ¿tenéis alguna superstición, ya sea popular o personal?
Por ejemplo, en mi casa no se pone el pan boca abajo en la mesa, nunca se regalan cuchillos o brindamos siempre mirandonos a los ojos para evitar la mala suerte. Y cuando viajo en avión, suelo llevar el mismo colgante. (Empezó como unba costumbre pero ya se ha convertido en una superstición!).
Supersticiones, ese TOC disfrazado de costumbrismo cultural... 😜
Conozco gente que siempre que pasa frente a un cementerio o un coche fúnebre se presigna. Hasta cierto punto tiene un pase pero... es que vive a 2 calles del cementerio y pasa enfrente para entrar y salir de su casa 🤣😂🤣
Gente que no se viste de amarillo, que solo abre las puertas con una determinada mano, que tiene una determinada prenda para ciertos eventos... etc
Jajajaja, la persona del en el cielo tienen en cuenta las veces que se presigna, tendrá pase VIP cuando pase a mejor vida 😝
¿Y tu tienes algun TOC? XD
La mayoría de las supersticiones que tenemos vienen de cultos religiosos de todo tipo y pretenden explicar lo, por aquel entonces, inexplicable.
En México tienen un imaginario de lo sobrenatural extenso, y me llama la atención lo de no poner dos espejos en frente: se considera que...¡¡los espejos infinitos son una puerta al inframundo!! 🙀
Creo que muchas de estas supersticiones han dado lugar a historias de terror más pregunto si habrá algun video juego basado en ellas (¿?)
@CandelaSynth - A mí no me gusta pasar bajo escaleras (de estas abre/cierra tipo instalador pasando cables en la calle), pero es más por el hecho de que me puede caer algo encima.
En Brasil está una de que hay que poner un espejo frente a la puerta de entrada de la casa (o lo más cerca que se pueda), para que no pasen los malos espíritus hacia dentro. En Madrid tenía un espejo colgado en el recibidor, pero aquí lo tengo en el patio, es que no he colgado cuadros ni nada todavía, puede que un día lo ponga o no.
Jajajaj, a mi me pasa igual con los andamios, intento evitar pasar por debajo.
Ahhh, no tenía ni idea de esa costumbre en Brasil, ¿te acuerdas de alguna otra? Por otra parte, si tu espejo está en el patio y el patio es una extensión de la casa y su puerta, ¿no lo haría aún más efectivo? No sé si me explico...hmmm
Vengo de familia que tiene muchas historias con el esoterismo, cruz de carabaca, puño negro azabache y esas cosas. Pero me he ido quitando de todas esas cosas 😅 @j7schultz lo de pasar por debajo de escaleras y andamios no es una superstición, es una norma de seguridad laboral que en mi empresa incluso acarrea sanciones por su incumplimiento 😜
@CandelaSynth - En teoría es en la puerta de entrada de la casa, no creo que en el patio cuente, pero como no soy supersticiosa, pues no pasa nada.
Está la del gato negro, aunque a mí me parece la suerte más grande del mundo ser amada por gatos, nada es excusa para maltratar animales.
También la de tocar madera o lanzar sal por el ombro para ahuyentar las cosas malas. @YeiCov cuáles más hay?
Ajá, el brujo YeiCov, eh? 😝¿Y desde cuando estás en período de desintoxicación de "lo oculto"?
Mi familia pasa mucho de esas cosas, pero me interesan mucho desde un punto de vista antropológico (como la mitología!) ¿Qué es el puño negro azabache? Primera noticia!!
Jajaja, exactamente, sólo cuenta si crees que cuenta (al fina y al cabo, la "magia" y las supersticiones funcionan de una forma parecida al efecto placebo)
En algunos países eslavos es de mala suerte silbar dentro de un edificio, y en consecuencia, tuve un compi de trabajo hace unos añitos que me regañaba cada vez que lo hacía XD
¡Te pongo dos velas negras! 😜
Me he ido quitando con el tiempo, no ha sido algo plenamente consciente, simplemente fue sucediendo. Pero algo de brujo (intuición, leer comportamientos de personas, etc) me queda.
El puño negro azabache, también conocido como higa de azabache o mano de Fátima, es un amuleto popular con una rica historia y simbolismo que varía según la cultura y la región.
En general, se le atribuyen los siguientes significados:
* Protección contra el mal de ojo y las energías negativas: Se cree que el azabache, por su color negro intenso, absorbe las malas energías y protege a quien lo lleva de la envidia, la mala suerte y los maleficios.
* Buena suerte y fortuna: El puño cerrado simboliza la fuerza, la resistencia y la capacidad de superar obstáculos. Se asocia con la buena suerte, la prosperidad y la abundancia.
* Fertilidad y salud: En algunas culturas, el puño negro azabache se considera un símbolo de fertilidad y salud, especialmente para las mujeres. Se cree que favorece la concepción y el parto, y que protege la salud de la madre y el bebé.
Las mitologías de tooodas las culturas me flipan! Lo que me recuerda cierto rescoldo de 'supersticion'? que aún me queda, no es que crea en los horóscopos pero sí que se ven patrones de comportamiento comunes entre los del mismos signo zodiacal. Aunque podría ser perfectamente cosa del efecto pigmalion, igual que el de tooodas esas cosas que dan buena o mala suerte:
@j7schultz, ¿te refieres a sanciones? Buff, ni sé siquiera si hay algún tipo de lista, pero vamos, que trabajo en una multinacional de servicios en el sector de la energía, tenemos protocolos, normas y procedimientos hasta para ir al baño (y no exagero). Las sanciones normalmente vienen por causar algún tipo de accedente laboral / daños a la propiedad, afortunadamente en los casi 9 años que llevo en la empresa estoy libre de ellas 😁
También tengo que decir que a todo aquel empleado que no haya cometido ninguna infracción, ni haya estado en un equipo de trabaja que las cometiera, se le entrega una gratificación anual en forma de cheque 👌🏼
Es una excelente forma de hacer que los trabajadores se preocupen por hacer las cosas bien (o de tratar de que no los pillen haciéndolo mal)
@YeiCov - El puño también está en Brasil, pero allí es en blanco, ya que es el color de la pureza, la iluminación y tal. Nunca había visto en negro. Qué de cosas aprendemos, eh!
Pues me imagino que en determinados sectores algunos protocolos sean más usados/importantes que otros, en la mía es más la cyber seguridad, hackers y demás.
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Legion Community Terms and Conditions
Last updated 09 March 2023
Welcome to Legion Community (“Legion Community” or the “Platform") - powered by Standing on Giants*- an online communication platform operated by Lenovo (the “Client”) at Lenovo Technology UK Ltd, 2nd Floor, Redwood, Crockford Lane, Chineham Park, Basingstoke RG24 8WQ. United Kingdom.
Legion Community enables its registered users (the “Users") to post and share content, such as information about Lenovo products, services, events, social media activity and videos ("Content”) to the Platform.
Legion Community is provided by Lenovo through the services of Standing on Giants subject to these Terms (“Terms”). We reserve the right to amend these Terms at any time and without notice. If we amend the Terms, we will post the amended Terms on this page and indicate at the top of the page the date the Terms were last revised. Your continued use of the Platform after any such changes constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms.
By accessing or using Legion Community you signify that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms. If you do not agree, then you should not access or use the Platform.
Lenovo’s decision in relation to any aspect of Legion Community and these Terms is final and binding.
Your Use of Legion Community Platform
ELIGIBILITY. This Program is open to Participants who are age 18 years or older at the time of entry. Participants who are under 18 may only participate with the express permission of a parent or legal guardian. This Program is not open to: (1) employees or internally contracted vendors of [Client] or its parent/subsidiaries, agents or affiliates; (2) the immediate family members or members of the same household of any such employee or vendor; (3) anyone professionally involved in the development or administration of this Program; (4) employees or internally contracted vendors of governments and government-affiliated companies or organizations; or (5) any employee whose employer's guidelines or regulations do not allow entry in the Program. This Program is open to residents of Italy, Spain, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, France, Poland, Russia, Egypt. This Program is void in any other country and where otherwise prohibited or restricted by law.
HOW TO PARTICIPATE. To participate in the Program, visit accurately and truthfully complete the online registration form, agree to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and follow the other instructions at the website listed above.
REWARDS. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and once confirmed by [Client], Participants will be able to accrue “points” that can be redeemed for reward(s). Rewards will be featured at various price points and in limited quantities.
The approximate retail values of rewards are subject to change based on current market conditions at the time of reward redemption. Participants are not entitled to any surplus between actual retail value (ARV) of a reward and stated ARV and any difference between stated ARV and actual value of the reward will not be awarded. No substitution, assignment, transfer, or cash redemption of any reward is allowed. Lenovo reserves the right to substitute a reward with another reward of equal or greater value should the advertised reward become unavailable for any reason. If applicable, rewards may be fulfilled in the form of voucher(s), coupon(s) and/or gift card(s) in Lenovo’s sole discretion. If a Participant is unable to participate in or accept a reward or any portion of a reward for any reason, Lenovo shall have no further obligation to such Participant. Lenovo will not replace any lost or stolen rewards after redemption by Participants. In no event will Lenovo be responsible for fulfilling more than the stated number of rewards. Participants acknowledge and agree that rewards are available in limited quantities and reward type and availability are subject to change at Lenovo’s sole discretion. Lenovo shall have no obligation or liability to Participants for any changes made to reward type or availability.
Subject to your compliance with these Terms, Lenovo grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited right to access and use the Platform only for your personal, informational, and non-commercial use. You agree not to interrupt or attempt to interrupt the operation of the Platform in any way or circumvent or attempt to circumvent any security feature of the Platform. Your use of the information and Content available on the Platform is subject to the following restrictions:
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No title or ownership rights in the Content or any intellectual property rights therein are transferred to you under these Terms. You may never use another user's account without the permission of that user. When creating your account, you must provide accurate and complete information and you must keep your account password secure. You must notify Lenovo immediately of any breach of security or unauthorised use of your account. Lenovo will not be liable for any and all losses caused by any unauthorised use of your account
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Lenovo allows you to submit posts or link content to Legion Community, including photos, images, videos, sounds, comments, links, tweets, likes, and other materials. A Legion Community moderator may moderate posts after publication. Lenovo reserves the right to remove user’s content that it considers to be irrelevant to the purpose of the platform, or that it considers violates any of these Terms. Lenovo may also post or link to the Platform any of your Content that you make available to Lenovo for the Platform. You are solely responsible for your Content that is posted or linked to the Platform and Lenovo accepts no liability for your Content.
You grant Lenovo and other users of the Platform a non-exclusive, royalty-free, transferable, sub-licensable, worldwide license to use, store, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of, perform, publish, re-post, re-tweet, and distribute your Content on or in connection with the Platform.
You represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary in your Content for it to be on or available from the Platform, and that the posting and use of your Content on or through the Platform does not violate, misappropriate or infringe on the rights of any third party, including, without limitation, privacy rights, publicity rights, copyrights, trademark and/or other intellectual property rights. You further represent and warrant to the extent there are links on the Platform to your Content that is hosted on third party websites, such linking is permitted by the terms of service of any such third party websites. You agree to comply with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to your use of the Platform and your Content, including but not limited to copyright laws.
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You agree that Lenovo is only acting as a passive conduit for your online distribution and publication of your Content. Lenovo does not have any obligation to review your Content, and therefore does not guarantee the accuracy, integrity, or quality of all user Content and we cannot assure you that harmful, inaccurate, deceptive, offensive, threatening, defamatory, unlawful, or otherwise objectionable Content will not appear on the Platform. Lenovo is not responsible for any public display or misuse of your Content. Lenovo does however reserve the right to remove, exclude or modify your Content for any reason, at its discretion, including any Content that Lenovo believes violates these Terms or other applicable policies. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL LENOVO BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY IN ANY WAY FOR ANY CONTENT POSTED ON OR MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH A SITE BY YOU OR ANY OTHER USER.
Lenovo may reward points for certain activities on the Platform, including (but not limited to) sharing posts, creating posts and entering competitions. Subject to availability, Lenovo reserves the right at any time to amend, modify or retract any points, rewards or prizes earned on the Platform. You accept that Lenovo will not enter into any correspondence regarding the awarding of points or rewards and Lenovo is entitled to grant or revoke rewards at their discretion. The decision of Lenovo in relation to all aspects of this programme is final and binding.
Data Privacy and Security
Lenovo will communicate with you via email or push notifications (including via the Standing on Giants platform), about Legion Community related notices changes to features of Legion Community and any notices required by law, in lieu of communication by postal mail.. If required by law, we will ask you for consent before sending you marketing emails. Please note that you may unsubscribe to general marketing emails at any time using the link provided in the emails. You understand that your data may be shared with other Lenovo entities and trusted third parties with a contractual relationship with Lenovo solely in connection with Legion Community
Please read our Data Privacy Policyfor more information on our privacy and security practices.
Representations and Warranties
You represent and warrant that:
(a) You will abide by and comply with these Terms;
(b) Your Content and Lenovo’s use thereof as contemplated by these Terms and the Platform will not infringe any rights of any third party, including but not limited to any intellectual property rights, privacy rights, and rights of publicity;
(c) You have the full power and authority to enter into these Terms and to the extent that any entity is bound hereby, to bind such entity, these Terms, and performance of obligations under these Terms do not and will not violate any other agreement to which you or such entity is a party; and
(d) You will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to those set forth in these Terms.
When using Legion Community, you will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, and all terms of use and similar rules concerning your use of any Social Media Outlet or other third party publishing platform.
Upon our request made to you from time to time, you will cooperate with us and allow us access to your systems, communications, and records solely in connection with determining your compliance with these Terms.
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The Platform may contain links to third party websites, advertisers, products, services, offers, or other events or activities that are not owned or controlled by Lenovo. Lenovo does not assume any responsibility for any such third party sites, information, materials, products, services or offers. If you access any third party website, product, service, or content from the Platform, you do so at your own risk and you agree that Lenovo will have no liability arising from your use of or access to any third party website, product, service, or content.
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Lenovo™, the Lenovo logo, and certain other product names and phrases are trademarks or service marks of Lenovo in the U.S. and/or other countries. The absence of a trademark or service mark designation next to a product or service name or logo belonging to Lenovo anywhere on the Platform does not constitute a waiver of Lenovo’s trademark or other intellectual property rights concerning that name or logo used or referenced on the Platform.
The Platform contains content owned or licensed by Lenovo ("Lenovo Content"). Lenovo Content is protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret and other laws, and, as between you and Lenovo, Lenovo owns and retains all copyright, trademark, trade secret, patent and other intellectual property rights in and to Lenovo Content and the Platform (the “Intellectual Property”). Lenovo reserves all rights in the Lenovo Content and Intellectual Property not expressly granted in these Terms. Lenovo does not permit the use of the Lenovo Content or its Intellectual Property in advertising, as an endorsement for any product or service, or for any other purpose, commercial or otherwise, without the prior express written permission of Lenovo.
You may terminate use of the Platform at any time for any reason (in other words, un-register). Lenovo may terminate or suspend your right to use the Platform at any time, with or without cause or notice to you. Lenovo may terminate the Platform at any time without notice. Upon termination, all licenses and other rights granted to you in these Terms will immediately cease. Following termination, Lenovo may retain your Content as permitted by applicable law for backup, archival, or audit purposes. Furthermore, Lenovo and its other users may retain and continue to use, store, display, reproduce, modify, create derivative works of, perform, and distribute any of your Content that other users have stored or shared through the Platform.
You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Lenovo and its employees, officers, affiliates and agents from and against any claims, liabilities, damages, losses, and expenses, including without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and costs, arising out of or in any way connected with any of the following: (i) Your Content or your misuse of the Platform; (ii) your breach or alleged breach of these Terms; (iii) your violation of any third party right, including without limitation, any intellectual property right, publicity, confidentiality, property or privacy right; (iv) your violation of any laws, rules, regulations, codes, statutes, ordinances or orders of any governmental authorities, including, without limitation, all regulatory, administrative and legislative authorities; or (v) any misrepresentation made by you. You will cooperate as reasonably requested by Lenovo with respect to any such claim. Lenovo reserves the right to assume control of the defence or settlement of any such claim, and you will not in any event settle any such claim without the prior written consent of Lenovo.
Governing Law
These Terms are governed by the laws of Spain.
Entire Agreement; Severability
These Terms, together with Lenovo’s Data Privacy Policy and any amendments and any additional agreements you may enter into with Lenovo in connection with the Platform, shall constitute the entire agreement between you and Lenovo concerning the Platform. If any provision of these Terms is deemed invalid, then that provision will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary, and the remaining provisions of these Terms will remain in full force and effect.
Limitations of Liability
*The Standing on Giants platform organizes brand content and allows platform members to discuss this content through written comments