Check out a couple of animes!

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello Legion Gamers!

    It seems that after Edgerunners and other anime based on Western works, this trend may be gaining speed as two new anime teasers have been released. The first one is the Rick & Morty anime for while we're waiting for season 8 (at least, for those of us who are waiting for it 😉):

    This is a 10-episode anime produced by Takashi Sano, anime fans may know him by Kami no Tou (Tower of God), but he was involved in several Rick & Morty shorts before. And the wait will only be a month: the English version of the anime comes out on the 15th of August and the Japanese one (I am interested in voice actor choices there at the very least) two days later on the 17th. And the proper R&M next season will come out, if all goes well, in 2025.

    Not a fan of Rick and Morty and would rather watch something reminiscent of the 80s while waiting for the last season of Stranger Things? Not a problem, Netflix thought about it and released a teaser for the Terminator Zero animation set in the Terminator universe:

    The series will show the Judgment Day and its aftermath. The anime will be released 2 weeks after R&M, on the 29th of August. Terminator fans will know this date is not random: in the Terminator universe, it was on the 29th of August 1997 when Skynet got access to US nuclear warheads and started the war.

    So two decent choices (does not have to be choice) for the last month of this summer. Any of these look good to you?
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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Oh, and there is actually another anime that is airing right now, too. I did not include it with the other two because it is already out and not in the future, but still. It's Suicide Squad ISEKAI:

    It crept up on me, I did not catch when it started. And it's one mashup I did not expect. But the Harley Quinn series is not doing too bad, so mixing genres up may work for these characters. Isekai is a big leap though 😅

    Do any of our anime connoisseurs know it? @GoLLuM13, @ramax, @Saka, @Inyeon or @AmrAli1 (that's everyone I know)?
  • ramax's Avatar
    And no, I don't know anything about it!