Hello Legion Gamers!

A bit of good news for Team Fortress 2 fans! I hope we have someone here who still plays it. Some of you may remember we played it together for Halloween a while back. Those of you who like or liked the game may also know their humorous intro "Meet The..." videos for each playable class (+Sandvich):

But some of the older fans may also recall that the game has its lore collected in the issues of comics. Back when updates for that game were large and plentiful, each would often have a comic connected to it. The main game story and lore were collected in the TF Comics section. There, 7 issues were planned to be released. But so far, only 6 of the planned 7 were, and the last issue dates back to 2017, 7 years back.

Even though I do not play Team Fortress, I liked those videos and comics, and to be honest, did not think that issue 7 that would conclude the story would ever happen (after all, Valve is known for...how do I put this...not finishing some of their great stories 😅). So it was a pleasant surprise when comic creators last week shared that the comic is still alive and they are actually working on it:

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So I just thought I'd drop this message to let any other TF2 comic fans out there that it is not abandoned and we may see the conclusion of the story yet.