What will Olympics be like in a cyberpunk world?

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  • Aaricia's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello Legion Gamers!

    The Olympic Games are over, and today the Paralympic Games have begun! Best of luck to the athletes!

    This made me think: neuroscience and cybernetics are not yet at the level where it can properly restore limbs or mobility, but progress is going forward. Granted, so far the world only has one official cyborg (Neil Harbisson), but as time goes on bionic limbs are becoming more and more advanced, and to a notable degree thanks to the development of AI.

    So chances are in the near future we may live in a world where Cyberolympics will become a reality. But how would it work when the merit is determined by both physical ability and the quality of cybernetic pieces?

    Cyberpunk 2077 tried to imagine how it would be in their crazy corporation-driven world with gangs, nomads and rogue AIs. Their piece is about football, but still:

    Name:  Screenshot2024-08-22125734.jpg
Views: 32
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    Hopefully real world will not be as violent as that 😅 Still, do you think Cyberolympics is something that we may get to see?
  • 3 Replies

  • ZaidH's Avatar
    Level 23
    Ooof, I hope we keep away from the devious world of sports in the Cyberpunk universe with a ten-foot pole 😨 There’s a side quest in the game where you infiltrate an organization responsible for raising young athletes. A select few kids are chosen for these teams and live the best life possible, while the rest are discarded and die quickly due to the excessive cyberware embedded in them 😓

    In the Olympics, we’ve seen how better equipment, like shoes, has resulted in improved athlete performance. That said, I’d imagine there would be a separate category if we start augmenting humans.

    What are your thoughts on this @Aaricia ?
  • Saka's Avatar
    Level 52
    Prosthetics and other medical devices are subject to much greater scrutiny and regulation than any other electronics. Outside of super small scale trials everything needs to get approval of agencies like FDA, EMA and such before it is allowed on the market. For that reason I find the scenario from CP2077 extremely unlikely to happen in real life.
    Unamused Snarktooth. Advocate for hearing loss & accessibility. Person, friend and a terrible/terrific* artist.
    *delete as appropriate
  • Aaricia's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @ZaidH @Saka I also think that in such cases there should be a separate category, but like Saka said, it seems it would be difficult overall given all kinds of approvals needed for it to even be released, and I can imagine even much more to be able to compete 🙈