How can games be educational?

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello Legion Gamers!

    September is here, and traditionally here in Legion, this is the month when we think about learning and education, and how games can be used to help that.

    After all, interactive educational games are becoming more and more widespread: you can play a game specifically designed to teach you something, a myriad of mobile apps use gamification and learning combinations, and games are even starting to make their way into the school curriculum.

    But still, gamified education is a complex and relatively new field with possible new ways of how games can be used for education still underexplored. Can you think of any more?
  • 1 Reply

  • JokerZida's Avatar
    Level 52
    Games can help in education in many ways, including giving students the opportunity to experiment and see their ideas in a virtual reality without harming anyone.
    Also, teaching people, for example, a game in English will force non-English speaking players to learn the language.
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