Hello Legion Gamers!

At the start of the week, we looked at how games can be used for education. But education comes (broadly speaking) in 2 main forms: formal and informal.

And while informal education that you participate in at your leisure can make use of video games extensively, with recreational gaming, mobile apps and so forth, formal education such as schools and universities is a somewhat different story.

Still, these days the potential of games as a formal education tool is starting to get recognition, with some schools adopting a gamification approach in the curriculum (I am not sure about universities, though) with some interesting academic studies on the subject.

It would seem that, so far, this process is rather sporadic with games used as a fun extra addition or motivational tool in the curriculum rather than its more in-built core part.

But hopefully, we're getting there. So a question to everyone, especially, the students: what could the school curriculum be like in the future when games become a core part of it?