How can games be used to educate AI?

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello Legion Gamers!

    This week we looked at how games can be used in education, both leisurely with recreational gaming and more formally in schools. But we humans are not the only recipients of teaching through games: they may also be used to teach AIs.

    Of course, it is more common for AIs to be taught using social media platforms or digital art, but chances are games may more and more join the fray. After all, games already use advanced AIs for all sorts of things, and it may be possible to make it so one stationary AI system is responsible for managing many different games at once and learning from them, the way people interact in gaming spaces such as WoW or the nuances of RPG or tactical thinking.

    So a question can be asked: what and how would gaming with us teach the AI?
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  • JokerZida's Avatar
    Level 52
    AI can be used to create new study strategies based on the student's condition. It can also be used to create medium, difficult or easy exams and give different ideas and different types to improve education.
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