Quitting a game

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  • Sarkhan's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hey everyone!

    My question today is HOW EASILY DO YOU QUIT A GAME?

    Are you that type of gamer that MUST finish any game he/she starts or as soon as you see that you do not like it or is too difficult you quit it?

    Honestly, I tend to quit easily the stuff I do not like, but for example now that I am playing Bloodborne, I do not enjoy it that much, but I feel like I need to demonstrate that I CAN finish that difficult game, if you know what I mean!

    Share your experience, what games have you quitted and why?
  • 1 Reply

  • MustafaM7moud's Avatar
    Level 47
    I don't like any unfinished stuff, so most of time I tend to finish whatever I'm playing or watching even if it got boring at some point to see if the end deserve the effort or not, unless this thing is really boring or unfinishable for me then I quit, there's no point 😅
    I always start playing new "for me" shooter games with friends, then shortly after I quit as my KD always gets so bad 😂
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