Ask Meshael your Questions & stand a chance to WIN!

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  • mimlasic0's Avatar
    Level 2
    My favorite female gaming character is Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn. She's tough, smart, and never gives up, even when things get hard. She’s an outsider who proves herself and saves the world, which is really inspiring.
    We can get more women into Esports, we can:

    1. Show Successful Women: Make sure female gamers and Esports players who are doing well get noticed. Seeing women succeed makes others feel like they can do it too.
    2. Create Safe Spaces: Build gaming communities where women feel welcome and don’t have to deal with harassment. Having support makes a big difference.
    3. Better Characters: Game developers should keep making awesome female characters like Aloy, so women can see themselves in the games they play.

    Basically, we need to make sure women feel seen, supported, and like they have a real shot at making it in Esports. Aloy shows that anyone can succeed, no matter where they come from!
  • OYE123's Avatar
    Level 6
    My favorite Female Gamer is LeZeldaa
  • Elzahraa's Avatar
    Level 30
    I have a set of questions for Mashael

    In your opinion, what is the most important skill in games that a girl needs to become a pro gamer gradually?

    Have you tried playing Counter-Strike 2?

    What was your first game and favorite game that introduced you to the world of gaming?

    Sometimes not holding on to something protects you from the harm of holding on to it !
  • KarimBonda's Avatar
    Level 19

    "My favorite female character is Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. To empower more women in Esports, we need inclusive communities, female role models, and more opportunities. Raising awareness about the variety of roles beyond playing, like coaching and game development, can also help."

    Question for Meshael:
    "What challenges have you faced as a woman in gaming, and what advice would you give young women looking to enter Esports or the gaming industry?"
  • Badz's Avatar
    Level 2
    Hello its my 1st time like this, I think I go to Claire redfield and sheva alomar as 1 strong and wise woman in the game, my question is what can you say to all woman out there or inspire them to play or streaming while play the game cause I believe there's a lot woman's who wants to play like you but they are shy, they only need an inspiring words to make a little push themselves. Sorry for my bad English, I hope one of my question you will choose, it would make a great change to all those women out there. Thank you.
  • Marwaesam's Avatar
    Level 32
    One of my favorite female gaming characters is Ashley from Resident Evil 4

    As for the question of how to enable more women to consider eSports as a career option.
    To find the appropriate support for her, including capabilities and others
    This gives her self-confidence and will be a major reason for her success

    Question for Mashael

    What is your favorite food series?
  • Raedahmedd's Avatar
    Level 1
    Question: Who is your favorite female gaming character and why? How can we inspire more women to consider esports as a career choice?
    Answer: My favorite female gaming character is Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series. Her fearless spirit, intelligence, and ability to overcome challenges in a male-dominated world inspire me greatly.
    To empower more women to pursue esports as a career, we need to:

    1. Break down stereotypes: Challenge the perception that gaming is primarily for men. Highlight the achievements of successful female gamers and create inclusive spaces where women feel welcome and supported.
    2. Provide mentorship and resources: Establish programs that offer guidance, training, and networking opportunities for aspiring female esports athletes. Connect them with experienced female gamers who can share their knowledge and experiences.
    3. Promote equal opportunities: Advocate for equal prize pools, tournament participation, and representation in esports organizations. Ensure that women have the same access to resources and opportunities as their male counterparts.
    4. Celebrate female achievements: Recognize and celebrate the accomplishments of female gamers to inspire others and create positive role models. Highlight their stories and contributions to the esports community.

      My question to Mashael is: What do you see as the future of Esports, and what role do you think women will play in shaping it?
  • Noreen2Eny's Avatar
    Level 7
    One of my favorite female gaming characters is Lara Croft from the Tomb Raider series.

    We can empower more women to consider Esports as a career choice if we support them, give them the appropriate device and tools that help to enter the competition and Highlight successful female gamers to encourage more female to enter the field.

    Finally, I would like to ask Meshael some questions:
    What is your favorite game?
    do you like football games?
  • CihanS's Avatar
    Level 1
    I grow up with Tomb Raider 2 so Lara is an easy choice. Diablo 1 's sorcerer was a favourite though. Chain lightning all the way.
    I loved Kerrigan. From red headaded ghost to Brood Queen. Her love story, her struggle...

    I wrote my thesis on computer games.
    People blame games for the violence while CNN is spreading pure real life negativity.
    We need to help people understand games are not responsible.
    Gaming is part of our growth.
    We play and learn.
    Maybe we need a bit more game with less deathmatch and more thinking.
    Eventually people will change their mindset which will help help more woman to get interested in games too.
    Also we need to consider masculine and feminine aspects. (We all have both of them)
    Most of the games are for masculine aspects.
    I think instead of adding more female to a pure FPS, understanding a female brain, female aspects etc and creating games based on that might attract more woman.
    (Don't assume I am sexist. Man and woman brain works different (just read Man are from Mars woman are from Venus) and man and woman have different talents by birth affected by the hormones. (Woman are empaths. They can feel a baby's need while man is cluless)

    My question is do you remember the moment that attracted to playing games?