DoctorElditch is taking time off (🙄again...)!

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  • CandelaSynth's Avatar
    Community Manager

    yeah....I feel similarly with video games adaptations into film/series...In this case, to me is a red flag that the production team told the actors NOT to play the videogames. So yeah, it´ll be something completely different I imagine?
    Ps, I just watched the trailer, I didn´t think it´ll be literal pirates, hehehehhe. It looks promising though!
    Ps2, Sega doesn´t use Unreal 5, uh? XD
  • ZaidH's Avatar
    Level 23
    @CandelaSynth Yes that's definitely a huge red flag. This form of acting might work with certain IPs, but for Yakuza you've a decade worth of material to work with. Whatever they're doing, I sincerely hope it turns out great.

    Lmao knowing Yakuza, it'll turn out to be a bunch of cosplayers 😂

    Ngl, Angry Birds in Unreal Engine 5 would actually be so hype!
  • CandelaSynth's Avatar
    Community Manager

    hahahah, that´d be a cool idea for a thread: which classic games you´d like to see in Unreal 5? 🤓
    I´m going to say Pacman, those poor ghosts will be terrified of the yellow entity trying to eat them!! 😝

    Ps, that "Madlantis" certainly got my reminded me of Las Vegas mixed with what was left of the Titanic, hehe
  • ZaidH's Avatar
    Level 23
    @CandelaSynth Ooof Pacman would probably contain the highest polygon count for a gaming character 😂 Imagine the ghosts seeing their own ray traced reflections on Pacman, right before he chomps them down 😱

    Oh yeah Madlantis looks amazing! Hopefully it's not a one off thing.