Ubisoft is in danger!!

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  • JokerZida's Avatar
    Level 52
    💬"Our goal is not to push any specific agenda, and we are a company that puts entertainment first"

    🔹This is what Ubisoft stated in its latest financial statement, in which it announced that it would begin an internal investigation🤨‼️

    🔹The investigation aims to improve the company's efficiency and investigate the reasons for the recent poor performance of games

    🔹In addition to putting in place mechanisms that put players first and plan properly to deliver what they demand

    🔹The Ubisoft Board of Directors is fully aware that the company's games have recently been of a modest level and wants to improve that

    We are the new LEGENDS. This is New Age
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  • CandelaSynth's Avatar
    Community Manager

    Oh! huge news! : O
    So by "internal investigation" do you think they mean in terms of performance/sales? or maybe even something darker? hmmmm 👀
    Also, I don´t understand the amount of backlash they´ve got with their last Assassin´s Creed...it´s based on a historical figure 🤷‍♀️
    What do you think about this?