Spooky music for October!

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot Yeah, those are pest species. Best to discourage them from occupying those owl houses somehow.

    Be careful what you wish for, climate change may hear you and you may get some hail yet. And that is never fun, maybe you know about that incident at the Louis Tomlinson concert last year?

    I wonder what the practical aspect of it would be though? Cloud seeding is not cheap, at least, not so much to do it anywhere you like. Why there, is there something special about your neighbourhood? Drought or something like that?
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I removed the nest for now. I don't think the owls will return anytime soon.

    I do not like the heat and that's why I wish winter would return. We do have hail storms often. Sometimes they are as big as golf balls. I haven't heard about the incident. What happened? No worries I'll google it.

    My Chrome browser stopped working completely and can't use it anymore. Tried everything from reinstalling to clearing everything. Refuses to load pages. Now I'm forced to use EDGE. 😑

    We do have a huge water crisis on our hands and we may only use a certain amount per day. It's only speculation they are seeding but it's so strange when plains are spotted that specific day it rains and pores like its nobody's business.

  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot That's a good call.

    Oh, there was a hailstorm during a concert in an open-air concert hall, so it hit the crowd. Many were injured and several people had to be hospitalised. Showed how disastrous those storms can be for crowds in open spaces.

    Why not use Firefox or some other alternative?

    So at the end of the day then, is it good or bad that those rains are happening?
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch Hailstones can cause a lot of damage, especially to the human body. A couple of years back, our vehicle stood outside in a parking lot when a hail storm hit, and it looked like someone had hit it with a ball hammer. It was full of dents and scratches.

    I do not like Firefox because of all the ads and popups. Some of my online profiles and consoles I work on have the tendency to close unexpectedly or Firefox will show an error I have run out of memory. I'm using EDGE and so far it seems to be working fine.

    I've read Google wants to discontinue Chrome and forcing people of to EDGE. They also want to make Chrome only for Android devices.

    We do need the rain desperately to fill our dams. We do have a water crisis but the storms are a bit too intense sometimes. The storms affect our electricity grid and cause so much damage in certain areas and insurance companies are starting to change their contracts and not pay out any claims.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot Indeed. Sometimes ice stones can be as big as golf or tennis balls, but even smaller ones can be dangerous. Last year we had a storm like that with little pieces of ice, but it was devastating for crops.

    Firefox was an example, there are others, though not many. If ads are a factor for you, you could look into Brave.

    Not sure about plans for Edge, Chrome is useful in that all Google services are centralised in one system there. Are they going to teach Edge to do that too?

    Then if those storms are artificial, they are probably causing more harm than good. From a purely fiscal viewpoint, they are a loss, so if someone is making them, there should be a reason why do it somewhere where it increases the potential losses and not somewhere where there are no electricity grids, for example.
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch We had another storm today. Had to switch off all my electronics to avoid damage. Seems to be an everyday occurrence.

    I've considered using Brave. The thing is some of my consoles do not load correctly and so far Edge seems to work. I'm also using DuckDuckGo for more private browsing.

    Not sure if they going to teach Edge too. Seems their main focus is Chrome.

    I'll post some photos here later on of the storm of today. We literally had clear skies and after 15 min all hell broke loose. The clouds come in so quickly and I am convinced the storms are created.

    - - - Updated - - -

    @DoctorEldritch Here are the photos.

    Before the storm, we had a high humidity. Now after the storm, the humidity is even higher and unbearable.

    Name:  Storm.jpg
Views: 18
Size:  18.5 KB

    Name:  Strom1.jpg
Views: 18
Size:  22.5 KB
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot Hmm, I know in the US they sent Google a letter with some demands as a part of an anti-monopoly initiative, maybe that has something to do with it.

    If the humidity rose, then there was no rain?

    Storms can be rather fast. I remember visiting the Netherlands during storm season once. The sky would be clear, and then the next moment the storm would start. And while you put out and dress yourself in one of those disposable plastic raincoats, the sky would become clear again. And once you take that raincoat off, the storm would return, it was very bizarre. In the end, we just walked around in raincoats in sun and storm and were showered in 5-10 minute intervals and dried by the sun after each shower. It was very odd.
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch Yeah, the letter is already all over the web. It might be something to do with it.

    We had rain and hail for a half hour. That's why I am a bit confused about why the humidity rose. It's hotter than it was before the storm. Something strange going on.

    I know the feeling 😂. It's like Ishkur, Ninurta, Tefnut, Adad, Baal, Indra, Zeus, Jupiter, Chac, Apu Illapu, and Tlaloc are watching as closely and having a bit of fun with us. They may find it amusing to shunt us around to see our reactions. 😁
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot Shaping up to be an ordeal, yeah.

    I guess it's just not enough rain? Sometimes just one storm does not cut it, indeed, storm season is a season for a reason, you do not just get one storm, you get several in relatively quick succession before the atmosphere changes.

    I don't think all of them are watching all at once, although it would explain why the weather behaves so: if they are all in a meeting deciding what it should be and shouting over each other and making changes like in one of those office comedies, that would explain it.

    But the chief of your particular section is probably Raluvhimba, so whatever is going on is up to him. Judging by how it is, he must be angry at something.
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I dunno. We never had so many storms before. It's normal to get several storms in summer but here the storms have multiplied.

    Maybe the Sotho and Tshwane people all over Africa and South Africa gathered in worship and prayer and Raluvhimba listened. Well, it's known in their culture if there are a lot of eagles around, Raluvhimba is around. Lately, I have seen a few eagles after the owls disappeared.