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  • JokerZida's Avatar
    Level 52
    Hello everyone, the Paradise game that Ultra Games Limited HK developed has been announced.

    PARADISE® is an AI-powered simulation game that offers a realistic and adventurous experience. It features a software world with traffic and pedestrians controlled by AI subscribers as if they were in real life. They can participate in various ways, from racing and shooting to job functions and property purchases.

    PARADISE faces unique, unconventional characters. Each character is inexpressible, with its own personality, backstory, and daily routine. They interact with member exceptions and participate in dynamic conversations using speech synthesis on ChatGPT, creating a reverse and unexpected gaming experience.

    The game will be released on Steam and Epic Games and there is no other news.

    Paradise Game Coming Soon - Epic Games Store

    Paradise — Simulation Game based on AI

    We are the new LEGENDS. This is New Age
  • 3 Replies

  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @JokerZida Hmm, certanly an interesting premise, but I wonder if AI is on the level where it can provide such quality entertainment. Many things that ChatGPT writes now are rather meh.

    And there may be a bit of a backlash for using the AI in the first place, I mean, remember what happened to the Secret Invasion series and their intro?

    But we'll see. If nothing else, this should be an interesting precedent.
  • JokerZida's Avatar
    Level 52
    Most new AI are not that good I agree with that
    But still its a good start for a new generation.
    We are the new LEGENDS. This is New Age
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @JokerZida AIs are growing in complexity exponentially, so even in 5 to 7 years from now we may get first games made entirely by them, possibly. But the implications it will have on the industry are hard to predict, especially given the turmoil it is in now...

    Maybe playing with AIs of that level will educate people about them and what they are capable, though. So if nothing else, this game could be an education exercise. If so, I hope it brings positive change, even if as a game it would be just ok.