THE GAME AWARDS 2024 Nominees Announced!

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello Legion Gamers!

    It's that time of the year again, and THE GAME AWARDS 2024 voting has begun! Yesterday the nominees were announced:

    The leaders in categories this year are Astro Bot and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, those two are tied with 7 nominations each. The rest of the games have somewhat less:

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    The Game of The Year nomination is, as usual, the most discussed and divisive nomination this year, this time because it includes the Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC:

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    This divided gamers into two camps online: in one corner, there are those who say that DLCs need to have their own nomination and should not be equal to the new game releases (Elden Ring was released 2 years ago). Personally, I am in this camp, but there are also those who say that this one DLC had more content than some of the AAA games this year (also true, but this is no reason to mush them together in one nomination, I say 😅). Which camp are you in?

    Either way, it's time to vote! If you follow The Game Awards, be sure to do it here if you have not already, and let us know what games you voted for! @GoLLuM13 you usually vote in this award, any favourites this year?
  • 27 Replies

  • GoLLuM13's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I was hesitating between Astro Bot, FF7 Rebirth and Black Myth Wukong, I ended up voting for Black Myth Wukong.
    And we are in the same camp, a DLC shouldn't be in the GOTY category, it should be in its own category
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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @GoLLuM13 Black Myth Wukong over FF7 Rebirth? I read that to really enjoy Black Myth Wukong you need to be familiar with the source material, the Journey to the West, and that it is confusing if you do not know it. For this reason, I have not tried it yet, but if you have, do you think that's true?
  • GoLLuM13's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch TBH I didn't play per se, in the best case it was a "demo" or a "short" play through on YouTube, but from these elements it was enough for me to like those 3 and to prefer Wukong that I really wanna do, because I liked how it looked like, and just give me a weapon and let me slash enemies 😂
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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    just give me a weapon and let me slash enemies 😂

    A man of simple pleasures, I see 😉

    It does look good, and developers reportedly spent a pretty penny on that, but I am worried about the story and its dependence on mythology not always familiar to the western gamer. But hey, if the game manages to tempt a high enough number of people to actually read Journey to the West, that'd be a double win, that's what the best games can do.

    But it does bring to light an interesting point: how "equipped" or "prepared" those who vote are to do so. You do not need to have actually played the game to vote for it, you can do so because you like how it looks or what you read about it, or if it has your favourite voice actor, sort of like you would vote for a movie or an art piece. But what differentiates games from those on a fundamental level is the interactive component. Yet it can be easily ignored when voting. Bit of a conundrum, that...
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @GoLLuM13 Here is something: Black Myth Wukong already won Golden Joystick Awards 2024 and not in one but in two categories: GOTY and Best Graphic Design:

    They may win The Game Awards too, but that'd be an overkill, maybe. Although, this is the first big game from China in ages, so anything is possible...
  • GoLLuM13's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I read this earlier and it made me smile 😁

    I don't think it will win the GOTY for the Game Awards, and if Elden Ring wins I will laugh so hard and will just confirm the bias I think they have 👀
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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @GoLLuM13 The Game Awards is an interesting one, you get to vote but voting is only a part of how decisions are made. Personally, I think they may go for FF VII Rebirth to hype up the next game a bit and the PC release they are working on, and improve sale numbers, I hear the publisher is not quite happy with those. So marketing-wise that could be the way to go if there is bias.
  • GoLLuM13's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch three candidates according to them I guess
    Elden Ring
    Astro Bot
    In that order 👀
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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @GoLLuM13 Well, I just read that FF7 also won a bunch of Golden Joystick Awards 2024, it is leading there. Did not get GOTY, but got 4 others, moe than any other game. Best soundtrack, storytelling, first and second roles...

    It is funny how this time of the year when awards come lots of games get lots of similar prizes from different awards. I wish they specified awards more like Indie Awards do, focusing on specific...I dunno, "games with budget over X" or something. As it is, you see all the same games winning all the same prizes. Don't get me wrong, they usually deserve it, but by the end of it I feel like "Yeah,this game is great, we get it",