FAQs: General Community info

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  • QueenTomato's Avatar
    Hi there!

    We've collected some handy FAQs in this topic which might help you learn more about the community, what you can do here and what it's all about. We'll keep improving the list on an on-going basis as the community develops so if you have any questions that are not covered here, and you feel like they should be, drop us a note in the comments. 👍

    Click on the questions to expand and find the answers.

    General about the Community
    What is the Lenovo Legion Community about? The Lenovo Legion community is the place to meet and connect with other players, to talk about video games, organise matches, share knowledge and quest stories (like the moment when you finally defeat that insane boss!), ask for advice from other members or give it back, and find out about the latest news from the amazing world of gaming! 🎮

    What can I do in the community? There is a lot you can do! To start with, you can simply take a look around and see what others are posting about to get inspired, just chill or learn about a particular topic. If you see something you like, you can show your appreciation by clicking the Thumbs Up button - everyone loves a bit of recognition! 👍

    The community is also a great place to ask for advice from fellow gamers. Whether you want to get some pointers on which new laptop or console to get or how to deal with a particularly annoying (or amusing!) glitch in your favourite game, you can start a new conversation about it. The community will be happy to give you a hand! 😉

    You can also help others (sharing is caring, after all) and answer other members' queries by replying to a conversation. If you’re feeling particularly inspired, you could even write your own post about how much you love a particular character of e.g. Apex Legends or start a guide about how to get more powerful in your favourite RPG! Get as creative as you wish - these are great resources for other gamers!

    User profile
    How can I change my avatar? Once you've logged in, click on your avatar on the top-right corner of the page and upload the image of your choice from your computer - don’t forget to click on save changes!

    How can I change my password and email address? Under your avatar, there is a Settings button in the form of a cog icon. Click on it and go to Edit my profile > Edit email and password > make your edits and save changes!

    How can I delete my forum user account? First of all, sorry to hear you wish to leave the community! 😥 In case you wish to delete your account, please let the community team know by contacting one of us via PM here on the forum. We can then delete your user account for you.

    Please note though that if you have posted any content (topics or replies), it will stay on the forum but the username indicating the author of the posts will be anonymised and read "guest" instead of your username.

    All your forum progress in terms of number of posts, your signature and any other engagement statistics will also disappear if your account is deleted, so in case you just want to take a break from the community for a while, and don't want to receive any forum notifications, you can alternatively just disable your notifications in your account settings. This way, if you wish to return later on, you don't have to register a new account. 😊

    Where can I find...?
    Lenovo Legion and Community News and Announcements? You can find Central News & Announcements covering our 4 regions together (Nordic, Italy, Spain, Middle-East and Africa) by clicking on the homepage icon and navigating to the News & Announcements Central Hub board. You can also find this board at the bottom of the country-specific community homepages, under the 'Central Hub' heading.

    If you're looking for announcements related to specific country communities: start by clicking on the community of your choice, then click on the Welcome, News, & Announcements board where you can find announcements with more information, details and conversations related to that specific country community.

    The Community Guidelines? The community guidelines can be found in the Community Info, Welcome & FAQs Central Hub board. Once there, click on Lenovo Gaming Community Guidelines.

    The different regional communities? On the homepage, you can find the 4 different communities at the bottom of the page: Italian, Spanish, Nordic, Middle-East & Africa, Polish, French, and Russian You can also access each community by clicking on “Communities” in the menu at the top of the page.

    My notifications? Under your avatar on the top right corner, you can find a bell sign which represents your notifications. It will have a number indicating how many unread notifications you have.

    How can I register / join the community? On the top-right corner of the page, click on the white button that says “Register”. Once there, you'll need to fill out a form with a few easy questions such as your desired username, email address, Country. After completing it and agreeing with the Terms and Conditions, just click on “Complete registration”. You'll get an email confirmation to the address you registered with. Click on the link in the email to confirm your address - you are now ready to start participating in the community!

    How can I edit my profile? Once you have logged in, you'll see a small cog icon on the top right corner of the page. Hover over it and a menu will appear. Click on the first option “Edit my profile” and you will be taken to your profile configuration page.

    How can I reply to a comment? At the bottom of every post there's a button with “Reply” or “Reply with quote”. You just need to click on either of them to reply to a comment. Remember to log in first though!

    How can I give a Thumbs Up? At the bottom-left corner of every post, there is a thumbs up icon. 👍 Just click on it and you will have shown a fellow gamer appreciation for their work!

    How can I start a new topic? First, choose a board where you'd like to publish your topic. Is it related to gaming? So, the “Gaming and Events” is the board you’re looking for. On the other hand, if you would like to give feedback or discuss Lenovo's products and services for example, the “Discussions and Feedback” board is the place to go. Once you go into your chosen board, you'll see a button on the right-hand side that reads “Start a new conversation”. Once on the topic page, choose your preferred title and create some awesome content! When you're ready, click on “Submit New Thread” and voilà, you will have published your very first topic! 😎

    How can I send a PM (private message on the forum)? On the top right corner under your avatar, there's a small envelope. Click on it and you'll be taken to your Inbox. There's a button to "Send New Message" so click on that and you can start to write your PM - add your recipient's username, choose the title of your message and write the message itself. Click on "Submit Message". Voilà, you've successfully sent your first message! 📨

    How do I get help in general? You can always look for information in the Help and advice board, or you can ask for help by starting a conversation there in case you can't find what you're looking for from existing discussions (click on start a conversation button on the right).

    Please note that even though the community can be used for getting some general help related to gaming and devices from fellow gamers, it's not really a customer service channel. If you don't find what you're looking for and we're not able to provide you with the assistance you need here on the community, you can try reach out to the customer service team of your region:
    - Denmark
    - Finland
    - Italy
    - Norway
    - Saudi Arabia
    - South Africa
    - Spain
    - Sweden
    - United Arab Emirates

    If I have a problem with my device, who can I reach out to for help? You can start a new conversation to ask a question in the help & advice board on the community or look for an existing answer there. If your problem requires further assistance and the community is not able to assist, please feel free to reach out to the customer service team depending on your region:
    - Denmark
    - Finland
    - Italy
    - Norway
    - Saudi Arabia
    - South Africa
    - Spain
    - Sweden
    - United Arab Emirates

    How can I get further help with the Community platform? You can ask the community for advice on anything related to this forum platform to see if a more experienced member might be able to point you to the right direction. Our Community Managers are also happy to help so feel free to reach out by tagging us into your post or by sending a PM.

    Moderation & Encouraging community spirit 💜
    What kind of content can I publish on the board? The community is still very new, but there are already various conversations going on, so to make it easy for you to explore, we have organised them into several Discussion Boards. Some boards are all about gaming (gaming news, guides, events, gaming preferences, etc.) while others are about finding and giving advice, and we even have a whole board exclusively dedicated to talking about any other interests, like travelling, pets or our favourite TV shows! You can talk about pretty much anything, really - as long as you keep the Community Guidelines in mind, such as:
    - the community is a safe and positive place; whatever you publish must fall along these lines
    - Always respect each other and give positive feedback when a member shares useful information
    - Stay on topic when answering threads and provide full answers
    What if I post something on the wrong board? You have 2 options: 1) you can send a private message to any of the Community Managers and one of us will move it your topic to the right board. 2) You can use the content report button (a little "danger" icon in the upper left corner) and pop a comment in your report that you'd like your thread moved - this will also come to the Community Managers' attention. 🙂
    Who will read what I post in the community? The content in the community is public. This means that everyone, member or not, is able to see what you post. The content will also be accessible through Google and other search engines. So please do not post anything you wouldn't want random people to see, such as your personal contact details!
    Why did my post disappear? There are two reasons why you may not be able to see your post. 1) If your post is not in line with the community guidelines, we might have had to remove it (we'd send you a PM to notify you though so you'd be aware). 2) Another reason why your post may not be visible is because we might have moved it to another board that's more relevant to the topic you wrote about (don't worry, we'd send you a PM if we did that as well to let you know why it was moved).
    What if I see a post that I think breaks the community rules? If you think a post breaks the community guidelines, you can click on the report button on it (the little "danger" sign) and we will then follow up. Also, feel free to send a PM to one of the community managers about any concerns you may have.

    Last edited by MohamadSOG; 22-06-23 at 08:30.
    My farewell mesage 🌟: in English - in Arabic
    Your new MEA Community Manager is @UnapologeticDino!
  • 14 Replies

  • guest's Avatar
    Hi Tamara, i want to delete my account, i don't find any option to my profile setting to do it, can you explain how to do it?
    Thank you! :-)
  • MoriMoonpaw's Avatar
    Head of Community
    Hey guys, quick update - thanks for the above question, I've added the below information about account deletion in the above FAQs in the Profile section. Hope it helps clarify how that works for anyone else who might be wondering the same. 👍

    First of all, sorry to hear you wish to leave the community! 😥 In case you wish to delete your account, please let the community team know by contacting one of us via PM here on the forum. We can then delete your user account for you.

    Please note though that if you have posted any content (topics or replies), it will stay on the forum but the username indicating the author of the posts will be anonymised and read "guest" instead of your username.

    All your forum progress in terms of number of posts, your signature and any other engagement statistics will also disappear if your account is deleted, so in case you just want to take a break from the community for a while, and don't want to receive any forum notifications, you can alternatively just disable your notifications in your account settings. This way, if you wish to return later on, you don't have to register a new account. 😊
  • benji89's Avatar
    Hello can you delete my account please?

  • stadiajoak1's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hello can you delete my account please?

  • QueenTomato's Avatar
    @stadiajoak1 hello! @Paty will reach out to you soon :)
    My farewell mesage 🌟: in English - in Arabic
    Your new MEA Community Manager is @UnapologeticDino!
  • MouHAmeDSnip's Avatar
    @QueenTomato hello i would like to delete my account pls
  • Mumzy's Avatar
    Level 3
    PLease delete my account
  • MouHAmeDSnip's Avatar
    i want to delete my account