Help required for a beginner who wants to start gaming on a budget

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  • AKmafia786's Avatar
    Level 2
    Hi I am a 18 year old male from South Africa, I want to start gaming as I enjoy it Alot, however I do not have any knowledge about the specs of a device I should find, I'm looking for something simple and budget friendly for me to start off, I currently have a laptop with a celeron processor and it's an absolute nightmare to even load up a game, when I view people gaming I notice their high spec computers and laptops and at times I just dream of having a set up like them, I however want to start off with something cheap and decent as my budget is very tight, can someone please assist me, any feedback/help will be greatly appreciated.
  • 10 Replies

  • lion6379's Avatar
    Level 19
    Hi! I saw this post and it reminds me of myself haha so I thought I would help out, here are some tips that I use to game on a tight budget:

    - You can use Cloud Gaming Platforms like GeforceNOW but your laptop would still need minimum requirements to use it.

    - You can buy cheaper consoles like Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox just to get into the world of gaming. This is what I did initially, but I wouldn't recommend it on a tight budget as you will be doing a lot more on your laptop, like doing odd jobs online to make a bit more extra cash and stuff. This is why I would advise getting a laptop over a console, plus you could pick up a few digital skills and stuff through YouTube and learn, laptops are the more versatile option.

    - If you do consider getting yourself a better laptop, then I would definitely advise getting a cheaper-end laptop like GTX 1650 laptops, they are budget and can run pretty much all games. But if your budget is even tighter, I'm sure you can find a laptop or the other with a basic graphics card to run most games.

    I hope this helps you! All the best and welcome to the world of gaming!
  • Sarkhan's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @lion6379 great reply, loved it!
  • Alexia4bit's Avatar
    Level 31
    If you're focused on gaming only I recommend the xbox series s as it is simple and budget friendly and can run all games with good graphics and you get a gamepass subscription for low price it's as simple as that

    You can use your laptop for other stuff like education or work

    When you want to build a budget gaming pc use this website
    It will help you find low price components and chech their compatibility to make sure there is no problem with your build
  • nour5090's Avatar
    Level 30
    I recommend that you start with a PC because it is scalable
    Every laptop will be a little limited in development
    even if your budget is a little small, but you can buy a PC with slightly used parts
    but it is valuable for the price and you can develop it in the future
  • NadaGalal's Avatar
    Level 33
    that's what everyone needs gaming community, wish these comments would have helped👌
    I suppose in the end, the whole of life becomes an act of letting go, but what always hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.
  • Evie's Avatar
    Level 36
    This is the best solution👏 👏👏
  • Marwaesam's Avatar
    Level 32
    I recommend that you start with a PC because it is scalable
    Every laptop will be a little limited in development
    even if your budget is a little small, but you can buy a PC with slightly used parts
    but it is valuable for the price and you can develop it in the future

    This could do the trick
  • lion6379's Avatar
    Level 19
    It's really nice to see the community come together to help out a fellow gamer, keep it up guys! I hope OP has found the advice he was looking for. 🤩