Steam is having the Storyteller's Festival 2025!

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot Conversations here as in, in Legion?

    I can imagine. Though I thought many conventions and tournaments also take place online these days?

    To be fair, I did not like it all that much when I tried it. It is not bad, just...sort of, not enough? It could have been more rich and colourful in lore, story, atmosphere. But to each his own, you may not be as critical as me. My next Lovecraftian game will be the Cthulhu Keeper:

    Lovecraftian Dungeon Keeper. It has not been released yet, but looks promising to me, I hope it turns out well.
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch Apologies LOL!! Autocorrect was at it again and what I wrote was not what I meant to say. What I meant was we do not have any conventions here in SA anymore. People who collect cards do not arrange gatherings and it all went out the window. 😊

    I very much enjoy our conversations here in the Legion community. 😊

    Most are but I rarely see a person from SA partake in the online activities. It's like here in the Legion community. How many SA community members even comment or partake in anything? It almost feels as if I'm the only one contributing. 😊

    My main goal is to collect most or if possible all Lovecraftian games. It's going to be a mission playing all of them in the end.

    Cthulhu Keeper does look great. I would definitely play it.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Ah, I see. Are there no options to organise something online, in some virtual space? How big is SA MtG scene?

    I very much enjoy our conversations here in the Legion community. 😊

    Oh, you 😊

    I think there's @NayNay from SA, but not here in the Nordic neck of the woods, you're indeed our only South African guest 😉

    As noble as that mission is, some of them are rather peculiar. Have you tried Tesla vs Lovecraft, for example?

    Last edited by DoctorEldritch; 1 Week Ago at 09:54.
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch No one seems to be interested in anything these days. Online events are rare. It's seems the logistics behind it is too much of a hassle and the lack of sponsorship is worse than before.

    Online events also need reliable internet connectivity. Most people do not have those privileges.

    I totally forgot to upload some of my artwork @NayNay wanted to see. I must make a point of it. 🙂

    It would have been nice to see more active users from SA in the community.

    No I haven't tried Tesla vs Lovecraft. Never seen it before. I guess I must do my homework and search of all the Lovecraftian games online if I really wanna collect them all. 🙂

  • iuiu's Avatar
    Level 11
    thanks for the tag. i will check it but i already have so many games in my inventory that i dont think that i am going to buy something new in the near future unless the game is really interesting.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot Maybe on a local level, but what about some international events? You're right that not everyone may have a good connection, but maybe enough people would make it to some international virtual space or somesuch?

    We're still growing, we'll get there, to the point where we have many people from SA. I hope. 😊

    Tesla vs Lovecraft is just for fun, it has no Lovecraftian atmosphere to speak of, it's just a silly premise for a game, but so long as you want to tick all Lovecraftian Games boxes, I guess you'd need to at least try it 😅 And it has good reviews, so it is not a bad game, so long as you do not have Lovecraftian plot expectations.
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch International events do attract more attention and I reckon there are people from SA who join and visit the events. All I know here in SA nothing seems to be of interest. For example, sports events were packed to the brim in the past and it was so hard to find tickets. Nowadays almost no one goes to them and it's mostly the players and staff on the field.

    On a local level, things seem to suck bad. It's not like the tickets are expensive. People just don't seem to care.

    My point is there are a lot of SA people in the community and it's noticeable when there are giveaways. If there are none, they all disappear.

    Yeah, I guess it's all about growth. 😊

    I'd like to tick all the Lovecraftian Game boxes. Don't know if it's going to be possible but I'll try my best. The plot doesn't bother me much. If there's a hint of Lovecraft in there it's fine. 😊
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @iuiu You do not need to buy the games right away, I usually don't, even during sales. I see if there is something that I like, put it on my list, and when the time comes to treat myself to some game, I look into the list and my price range during that time, and then buy something. Sometimes I do get something during a sale, but more often ales are just a nice way to check out games I did not know about in a certain theme or genre. And speaking of tags and other sales, here is a new one.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot Maybe it's just how it is. Sometimes interests shift, fashion changes, certain trends go out of style, something new moves in. People losing interest as such is not necessarily a bad thing, it may just be a sign that whatever they were focused on may be in need of change. Cape Town Jazz Festival is coming up soon, how is that looking this year?

    Well then, if that's the case, you probably do need to give Tesla vs Lovecraft a try. Be quick though, Worshippers of Cthulhu are coming up soon:

    It's in Early Access now, but when it is out, it will be a worthy addition to the list, I am hoping.
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch Not sure about the Jazz Fest. I think there will be a decent turnout. Change is needed I guess but most of the things people lost interest in were important for organizers and planners. They are feeling the pressure.

    Thanks, I'll try and grab it as soon as possible. 😊