Epic Games Store Free Game 6 - 13 March!

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hello Legion Gamers!

    Epic Games Store offers games for free every week. This week, the free game is...

    Them's Fightin' Herds

    Them’s Fightin’ Herds is a 2D fighting game featuring a cast of adorable animals designed by acclaimed cartoon producer Lauren Faust. Beneath the cute and cuddly surface, a serious fighter awaits!

    An interesting choice and you can really see Lauren Faust's "My Little Pony" style 😅 One question that popped into my mind was, who is the main target audience? The game may be a bit too fighter for younger MLP viewers, the fighter genre is quite demanding. Maybe it's aimed at young adult MLP fans, the series had many back in the day, but how many of them like fighters?

    Turns out enough, the game has over 3K reviews on Steam and a Very Positive score. So if the game looks like something you'd like, be sure to grab it!

    @GoLLuM13 and @skydsgaard I'll tag you because, who knows, this may be one of the few fighters you can play in front of or even with younger kids😅 Maybe?😉
  • 8 Replies

  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch This game doesn't look too bad. Maybe I'll also give it a go sometime in the future.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot I did not know you like fighter games 😯

    This weekend I played a game you may find interesting, I am not sure if I mentioned it to you before, it's called Heretic Fork:

    This is a deckbuilder, and a relatively easy one at that, so good entry point., But it also helps that it may have lore and music that you'd like.

    Oh, and Do No Harm was released this weekend, too! I tried it, and so far it plays like Lovecraftian Papers' Please. Gets a bit repetitive, but then again, with these games, it is more of a feature.
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I am a fan of fighting games. Most of the games I played in arcades where fighters. Mortal Kombat is my all-time favourite followed by street fighter. 😊

    Heretic Fork looks fun. I will check it out and thanks for telling me about Do No Harm. I will also add the game to my looooooooooooong list!!! 😂
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot Maye because I do not play them we did not talk about them much, but I'll try to remember that. 😊

    One of the benefits of deck builders is that are mostly designed for replayability so they are easy to have alongside other games. I usually have a deck builder, a turn-based tactic and some big RPG installed at any one time, so that I can play the genre I am in the mood for. Heretic's Fork does not have advanced graphics or need a lot of space (and, incidentally, it is on sale today 🤨), so it can be possible to play it while going through bigger titles on the list.
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch We haven't had many discussions about fighter games in the past and I think the only one we had was about Mortal Kombat. 😊

    Deck builders are great to have. Building decks on your own can be a long and tedious process. I mostly play the small titles nowadays due to my potato PC.

    I'm still busy with Torchlight 2 and putting in a lot of time trying to max out my stats. I still have a long way to go. I've put in 186 hours already and am only halfway. 😊

    Heretic's Fork is on my list and I will try and start a mission this weekend.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot Probably. I think @GoLLuM13 may be more versed in fighters than me. When it comes to them, I am more like Saitama from OPM 😅

    Heretic's Fork is one of those games where you need to build a deck anew every run, but it can be a long process to unlock all cards. But as far as the size goes, the game is a small title indeed.

    Ah yes, I remember you mentioned that you'd be doing this. 186 hours is a lot, twice as much as will be needed to beat Assassin's Creed Shadow 😉
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I haven't played any recent fighter titles and considering downloading a few. The two I played the most in the past couple of months were MK and TerrorDrome. I also do not like playing fighters without a controller. Mine have seen better days and need a new one.

    Time is always a factor and building decks do require a lot of patience which I don't have. Deck builders does wonders. 😊

    The thing with Torchlight 2 is levelling up takes a long. It's the same with similar games like Diablo. I can't remember when last I played Assasins Creed. I think it was before Covid.
  • GoLLuM13's Avatar
    Level 52
    I guess the last fighter game I played was Tekken 8 in beta and before it, it was Street Fighter 6 (I love Street Fighter series games) 😁
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