What makes you different?

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  • GAMERSX3's Avatar
    Level 14
    Reply to this and tell me what makes you different.

    I uploaded an instagram post a while back and the answers I got was incredible.
    Most people tend to try and follow a crowd but then you get those individuals who refuses to conform to the norm. For most of these people the word “normal” is not in their vocabulary.
    I am new to the Legion community, and I have read some of the post and replies. I love the fact that there is so many different personalities, so many different views on subjects and so many different passions in 1 community.
    I am excited for the future with the Legion community and I am exited to hear from you one of the most difficult questions you can ask someone.
    What makes you different?
  • 3 Replies

  • LilySensei's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @GAMERSX3 what a great question... to be honest, when I was growing up, I felt quite unique and different to everyone else. Later on, I discovered there are many people like me, with the same tastes or dreams, so I was like... man, maybe I'm basic. 😅

    However, I still think I am pretty funny. Not funny like "I'm going to have my own show in a comedy club", but like I'm always making silly comments to break the ice and cheer people up, while at the same being a responsible adult and quite serious if the situation requires it. Like an old lady who has seen and lived way too much and decided to have a laugh instead of crying, trapped in a younger body. 😁

    What makes you different?
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  • QueenTomato's Avatar

    Really interesting question that I haven't given much thought to! The thing is people always see you differently than how you see yourself. I think every single person is different in their own way. They can stand out because of their empathy, kindness, humour, craziness, positivity etc. But then again this is subjective to the eye of the beholder.

    What makes you different in your opinion?
    My farewell mesage 🌟: in English - in Arabic
    Your new MEA Community Manager is @UnapologeticDino!
  • QueenTomato's Avatar
    @Paty I approve, you are REALLY funny - I think I tell you that every day😂
    My farewell mesage 🌟: in English - in Arabic
    Your new MEA Community Manager is @UnapologeticDino!