Hardest video game boss you've ever faced?

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  • LilySensei's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @OursGarou I've never seen Cuphead before, and man, it looks scary!! Like, a one of those cute kids in horror movies who are the worst because it makes the protagonist feel all safe and protective (they usually look so angelic) and then... jumps and attacks their neck. 😱

    In which game does he appear???
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  • LilySensei's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @MoriMoonpaw regarding Biohazard, the house was a scary boss by itself, my poor nerves and stomach... 😷

    Did you get a chance to finish it?
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  • MoriMoonpaw's Avatar
    Head of Community
    @MoriMoonpaw regarding Biohazard, the house was a scary boss by itself, my poor nerves and stomach... 😷

    Did you get a chance to finish it?
    No I had to take a break to calm down first 😂
  • Lionhart's Avatar
    Level 2
    I've been gaming for as long as I can remember yet the hardest boss I have ever faced goes back to my favourite game; Final Fantasy 8.

    It turns out the boss wasn't actually that hard though.

    Disk 3, Fujin & Rajin followed by a sentry bot inside Lunatic Pandora.

    Why was this fight so tough? Well I'd played the entire game without junctioning Magic to my stats.....
    I fought them for weeks and was hard stuck with my only save just before them. I was moving GF's and all sorts until I clicked "auto" on junction by mistake.

    Needless to say no boss fight ever challenged me in the same way 🤣
  • LilySensei's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hey @Lionhart Final Fantasy definitely has some of the hardest bosses out there; someone in the Spanish community mentioned Sephiroth, did you fight him too?? 🙈

    "Why was this fight so tough? Well I'd played the entire game without junctioning Magic to my stats.....
    I fought them for weeks and was hard stuck with my only save just before them. I was moving GF's and all sorts until I clicked "auto" on junction by mistake.

    Needless to say no boss fight ever challenged me in the same way

    Hahahaha that can happen to any of us!! Glad you found out what was happening before giving up and throwing whatever device you were playing on through a window!
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  • Lionhart's Avatar
    Level 2
    @Paty I did indeed.

    I have never found final bosses in Final Fantasy games overly challenging (Edea in 8 was harder than I found Sephiroth in 7 for me though) because you can really get crazily overpowered in them!

    A few bosses in Dark Souls were definitely tough and there is a fight in the Hearts of stone Witcher 3 DLC (Caretaker) which is pretty tough on Death March difficulty now I think about it.
  • LilySensei's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Lionhart I remember Caretaker!! man, that was hard! After you kill him, Geralt says something like... what the hell was that???

    By the way, cool user name! Is it after the king or the action movie? or none of those?
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  • Lionhart's Avatar
    Level 2
    @Paty none of them actually! A lot of people assume the king because I'm from England but it's a Final Fantasy 8 reference. Squall's final weapon is the Lionheart. (Unfortunately someone had the name with an E already though ;) )

    haha I laughed a lot when I first killed Caretaker because of Geralt's response!
  • LilySensei's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Lionhart of course your user name was something related to gaming!! shame someone else took it, but hey, still brilliant!

    Do you play any multiplayers? At least once a week, we (members of the community) get together to play. Today will be playing Among Us, last Tuesday was CoD: Warzone. If you are interested in joining, send me a DM 😉

    Now I want to play the Witcher again...
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  • GenLiu's Avatar
    Level 1
    Honestly, I would say Ishiin from Sekiro, which gives me a hell of a trouble the first time I faced him.
    Other good mentions would be the Orphan of Kos from Bloodborne, which is a nightmare and Manus from DkS1 but solely because he almost made me drop my Soul level 1 run.

    The nameless king from DkS3 is also a good pick. Like, good lord that boss kicked my butt.

    @Lionhart Are you kidding me?! I though about it while watching your Gwent commentary and was like "Nah, it can't be a referance to FFVIII, it's probably a coincidence since it's written without the E" but no it is. I was right all along lol