Finnish Championships in Kendo

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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Saka Hockey is popular in Finland, so much so it is sterotypical for some outside Finland to think of it that way, on par with Russia and Canada making the "hockey trio". In this case Finland lives up to the reputation, I see.

    Maybe it would be worth trying to appeal to the modern public through media? Japan does that all the time with anime: Hikaru no Go being the prime example, but it applies to anything. We mentioned Bamboo Blade before. I'll admit anime may be a bit niche, but for the last decade or so Korean dramas are taking the world by storm. Maybe get your friends to watch "Unkind Ladies" or "Sengoku Girl and Kendo Boy" (among others), maybe that'll motivate them? 😉
  • Saka's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I must say I haven't really watched Korean dramas. I may have seen a couple by chance, but that's it. I am impressed that you were able to name some that involve kendo in some way, but then again kendo is pretty big in Korea! 😁
    Unamused Snarktooth. Advocate for hearing loss & accessibility. Person, friend and a terrible/terrific* artist.
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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Saka I do not watch them either, to be honest, even the Squid Game. But I am aware of them, and that they like to build around specific concepts sometimes, similar to animes. Was no surprise that several have Kendo, especially when, as you pointed out, it is popular in Korea.