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  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot I hope not. Now when I cross the road, I need to look left and right and only when I am crossing, but with those cars, I'd need to look up and all sides and all the time to make sure no one lands on me. I'll get neck cramps 😅

    True. Though that romanticised Titanic a bit, not sure if that's a good or a bad thing, now it is massively associated with that love story, but we need to keep in mid that it was one of the worst naval disasters in human history.
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch The only solution would be to cover walkways and public areas with strong and resistant domes then there will be no need to look up the whole time to avoid immediate danger. If there is a crash the Dome will protect your dome. 😂

    Everything these days is romanticized. I'm a bit irritated with the concept.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot But if we do, what would be the point of flying cars? The reason for them is that they should, in theory, be able to take you anywhere, but if they can only land outside of the domes, then their main advantage disappears...

    Yeah, I wonder when it started...
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch The logistics behind it would be tricky I guess. Maybe the dome theory would work if there were certain landing points similar to train stations within designated flying zones.

    I think Titanic was the film that put the Wheel in motion and since then, producers stuck with the idea of romanticising movies because it works well for sales and viewership ratings.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot It may depend on how safe they are. If we take Cyberpunk 2077, for example, it has flying cars, sometimes they fall down, but generally are believed to be safe enough that people do not need domes or anything like that. It's more that this flying car they showed in the video is nothing like those sleek futuristic cars.

    I wonder if helicopters were cheaper and more affordable, like cars, would more people use them...

    Oh, I'd say it began much earlier than that, before Hollywood even, though it got much more momentum after the cinematics started tolling. But even Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch famously took those dandy photos that romanticised what they were actually doing, and it was back in the 1900s (and not fictional, too)...
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch Then the best solution would be to follow through with the Cyberpunk 2077 car concept and make it a reality. Maybe Musk can get on board with this one. 😆

    Helicopters would work well. If they design them similar to the ones in some sci-fi movies. Those ones with protective enclosures for the propellars to avoid injury and serious accidents.

    It's ok to romantize a certain genre movie or whatever but it does become a bit ridiculous to include it everywhere and in everything.

  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot You know, to be completely honest, rather than having flying cars or helicopters, I'd rather we bring back the blimps. We could make very nice ones now, solar and wind-powered, comfortable, safe. Not fast, but at those altitudes, I'd rather not speed up too much. Bring back the blimps, I say! 😉

    Well, some say Holywood is in idea crisis right now, so it is to be expected. But then again, even Nosferatu was romanticised, at least more so than the original. But it fit him well.
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch Blimps for the win!! None right airships do sound exciting. 😃

    Hollywood is falling apart I'd say. I don't know if you have seen the new cast for the next Harry Potter movie. I don't want to sound sceptical or judge the movie yet before I see it but looking at the actors they have chosen I think it's going to lead to certain failure.

    Nosferatu was ok to romanticise and I do not have a problem with it. I have an issue with movies that have a more serious element and are based on a book or novel that did not have such things in context. Directors intentionally at those parts.
  • DoctorEldritch's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @DracoTarot I wish we still used them more. The Titanic was a tragedy, but it did not stop ships. Hindenburg was a tragedy and one that managed to stop the airships. C'est la vie...

    I've heard that they are making a Harry Potter series, but I am not really following that, I don't think I am going to watch that. I liked Harry Potter back when I was in the middle school. My childhood is where I am content with it to remain, not being dragged out out of there 😅

    Do you have specific examples? So I could see the extent of that?
  • DracoTarot's Avatar
    Level 52
    @DoctorEldritch I think they may be afraid of another Hindenburg incident or maybe there's more to it that's why they don't want to use them. Well, the old club and my second home were called Zeplins. Oh, how I miss the family and atmosphere. 😐

    Apologies, I meant to say series and not movie. There are a lot of discussions about the series and people all over the net are complaining about the cast. Nine of them fit the roles, especially Severus Snape. Those a big shoes to fill. I'll watch it just to see how they will manage to ruin the books and follow the backlash afterwards. 😂

    Here are a few examples of books that were made into movies and romanticised.

    Salem’s Lot
    Pet Sematary
    Evil Dead series
    The Ritual
    Hanging House
    Grave Secrets
    The Shadows of Summer
    The Edge of Running Water

    There are too many to mention. Most of these Novels and books are Thriller and Horror genres. Some of them you may haven't seen yet.